Kl 0930 i dag ankom heile gjengen Grytviken, og på stranda stod alle som jobbar her nede, ca 15 stykk, med heile regjeringen tilstades. Dei sendte opp nødbluss og skipparen kom med cognac! Klemmar og gratulasjonar og hipp hurra! Prosjektet er fullført! Me har padla kajakk rundt Sør Georgia på 20 dagar heilt sjølvforsynt.
Sette ny rekord ved å vera på vatnet kl 0315 i natt, og i dag har det regna og vore litt medvind heile dagen. Supert! Glisa vart større og større etterkvart som me byrja å kjenna oss igjen og vel i land kunne jubelen sleppa laus.
Forskarane her hadde fyrt opp badestova til oss, og de kan tru at turistane som kom same morgonen med eit russisk skip, laga store auga då me i skysseltrafikk sprang nakne i frå den oppvarma containeren ned i havet mellom pelssel for å bada. Hadde steinar i hendene i tilfelle pelsselen skulle angripa, men han var kanskje like sjokka som turistane.
No har me fått biff, øl og godt stell, so no skal me bort i ²baren² her i Grytviken. Denna bragden må feirast!
I morgon vert det meir pakking og tørking av utstyr, og seglasen mot Falklandsøyane kan starta.
At 09:30 this morning, the team arrived at Grytviken, with everyone who works down here, about 15 persons, gathered on the beach, the entire government was assembled. Signal rockets were set off and cognac was supplied by the captain! Hugs, congratulations and cheers were enjoyed all round! The expedition had been a success! We have paddled completely unassisted around South Georgia in only 20 days.
We set this new record by being on the water this morning by 03:15 hours. Today, it has rained, and the whole way we had a slight tailwind. Great! Our grins grew wider and wider as we gradually started to recognise landmarks as we closed in on Grytviken, and safely ashore we could finally release our jubilation.
The researchers at Grytviken had heated the sauna for us, and you can imagine the looks on the faces of the tourists who arrived that same morning with a Russian ship, when we ran naked from the sauna down to the sea to bathe, amid all their hustle and bustle and passing furseals on the way. We were carrying stones in our hands, in case the furseals attacked us, but they were perhaps just as shocked as the tourists.
We have now dined on steak, drunk beer and have been well looked after, so now we're off to the "pub" here in Grytviken. Celebrations are in order!
Tormorrow, we'll dry and pack our equipment, and then we set sail for the Falkland Islands.