Kart over South Georgia

Kart over South Georgia

søndag 21. november 2010

Skadet kajakk og sandstorm

­ 4 millioner pelssel er for mye for denne lille øya, uttalte en oppgitt Sigrid etter en natt uten så mye søvn. Hun hadde blitt angrepet av pelssel to ganger og forlot stranda og de 60 angrepsvillige dyren med glede. Hun var spent da kajakksnuten ble vendt sørover, med planer om å padle utaskjærs for å unngå uforutsigbare revbølger. I god medvind, og det Dag Marius kalte heftig padling, la de kjapt tilbake distanse. Ved lunsjtider tok de tilflukt i Elephant Cove for å reparere en av kajakkene som hadde fått hard medfart på turen. Elephant Cove ligger tilsynelatende beskyttet til, men det har blitt rapportert om sandstorm og vanskelige teltforhold. Nå er kajakkene bundet fast og de prøver å ri stormen av så godt de kan. Selv om gjengen har  padlet i en uke, har de ingen planer om å ta helg... Så dersom været tillater det blir det ny økt i morgen.

Damaged kayak and sandstorms
4 million fur seals are too many for this little island, declared Sigrid, a little in despair after a night without much sleep. She had been attacked twice by seals and was glad to leave the beach and the 60 aggressive animals. She was excited about her kayak pointing southwards, and had plans of paddling at a distance from the reefs to avoid unpredictable breakers. With the wind behind them, and with what Dag Marius calls intense padling, they made good progress. By lunchtime, they sought refuge at Elephant Cove to repair one of the kayaks that had been battered along the way. Elephant Cove appears to be sheltered, but the team report sandstorms and difficult camping conditions. The kayaks are now bound together and they are trying to ride out the storm as best they can. Even though the team has now kayaked for a week, they are not planning on taking it easy this weekend... so weather permitting, they will be setting off for new shift tomorrow.

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