Kart over South Georgia

Kart over South Georgia

tirsdag 2. november 2010

Under Seil Endelig!

Yes! Mandag 1. November 2010; vi ble purret kloken 07:00, frokost kom paa bordet (muesli / kaffe / toast). Klokken 08 dro Chris og Simen opp til the Seafish Chandlery (lokale Coop`en) og la inn backup handlelisten vaar som bestaar av middager for 4 padlere for 20 doegn, sjokolade for 4 padlere (inkludert Sigrid, noe som gjorde at sjokis kvota ble noe hoeyere enn vanlig) to telt og noen termoser. Dette gaar med FRAM neste soendag hvis ike kassene vaare komer paa loerdagens flight. Senere dro vi til LAN cargo, buss selskapet og Sullivan shipping some er Hurtigrutens agent paa Falklandsoeyene. Alle er kjempe hjelpsomme og vi tror dette skal gaa vaar vei. Customs kom ombord og signet oss ut av oeya foer vi kastet loss. Ca kl 13 lokal tid forlot vi port Stanley. Det tok ikke mer enn ca to timer foer vi saa masse Gentoo pingviner paa en strand og et par stykker rundt baaten. Klokken 18 kunne vi hoere det gode gamle "blaast forut" og det sprutet i pustehull baade styrbord og babord. Vi kjoerer full vakt ordning og rullerer paa ansvaret. Vi foerstereis gutter og jente i syd Atlanteren gaar og gulper og gjesper en god del, men tror at det vil gi seg. Det er for fantastisk aa vaeare underveis til at vi kan bli sjoesyke. Ingen bilde idag men det skal vi fikse paa ganske snart. Fart under seil ca 6,5 knop, wind 12 knop, heading 95deg magnetic.

Pelagic i Antarktis
The Pelargic in Antarctica

Sailing at last!
Yes! Monday 1 November 2010: We were woken at 07:00 hrs, breakfast was served: muesli, coffee, toast. At 08:00 hrs, Chris and Simen went to the Seafish Chandlery (local co-op store) and placed our back-up order of 20 days worth of dinners for 4 kayakers, chocolate supplies for 4 kayakers (this includes Sigrid, a factor which increases our chocolate requirement considerably) two tents and some thermos flasks. All this will be loaded onto FRAM next Sunday if our crates from home don't arrive with Saturday's flight. Afterwards, we visited LAN cargo, the bus company and Sullivan Shipping; all are Hurtigruten's agents on the Falklands. Everyone is being extremely helpful and we hope things will turn out well for us. Customs came aboard and signed us off the island before we set sail. At approximately 13:00 hrs local time we left Port Stanley. It took no more than 2 hours before we saw huddles of Gentoo penguins on a beach and a couple swimming by the boat. At 18:00 hrs we were listening to the wind whistling outside and the waves splashing over both starboard and portside. We are on a 24 hour watch, taking turns as to who is in charge. We are all first time sailors in the Southern Atlantic Ocean, so we are burping and yawning quite a bit, but I reckon we'll soon find our sea legs. Being at sea at last is too fantastic for us to be seasick. No pictures today I'm afraid, but we will soon make up for it. Sailing speed is 6.5 knots, wind 12 knots, heading 95 deg magnetic.

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