Kart over South Georgia

Kart over South Georgia

søndag 28. november 2010

Endelig rundt Cape Disappointment

Da padlerne satte ut i morges ante de ikke hva som ventet dem da de skulle passere Sør Georgias sydligste punkt, Cape Disappointment. Ingen av dem hadde padlet i så mye sjø før og alle var enige om at det var helt på grensen til hva som er padlebart. Sigrid var glad hun ikke viste hvor ille det var, for da hadde det blitt landligge enda lenger. I høye bølger og rottete sjø rundet de likevel Sør Georgias sydligste punkt i det som ble omtalt som en kaotisk padleopplevelse. Glade for å ha kommet seg forbi "kneika" padlet de så inn i Småland Cove, hvor de slo leir. Cape Disappointment fikk navnet da Cook kom ned her og trodde han hadde funnet Antarktisk og det var da han rundet dette ²kappet² at han skuffet oppdaget at dette ikke var Antarktisk likevel. Hvordan den isbreekledte fjorden de nå overnatter i fikk navnet Smaaland Cove, er oss fortsatt et mysterium. Etter mye tapt tid må padlerne nå legge inn en ekstra økt hver dag, for å ha en sjanse til å nå frem i tide. I morgen er det opp klokken 02.00...
Finally around Cape Disappointment
When the kayakers set out this morning, they had no idea of what awaited them as they would pass South Georgia's southernmost point, Cape Disappointment. None of them had ever paddled in sea conditions like it and they all agreed it was bordering on what was "paddleable". Sigrid was pleased she did not know quite how bad it was, otherwise they would still have been on land. Nevertheless, in spite of enormous waves and an extremely choppy sea, they rounded South Georgia's southernmost point in what was described as a chaotic kayaking experience. Happy to have made it passed the "steep hill", they paddled into Småland Cove and set up camp. Cape Disappointment got its name from the time Cook had arrived here; he thought he had discovered Antarctica, but on rounding the "cape" he realised to his disappointment that it wasn't Antarctica after all.  How the glacier-clad fjord where the team is spending the night got the name Smaaland Cove remains a mystery to us. After having lost a great deal of time, the kayakers are now planning on doing an extra stint each day, to have the chance of making it round in time. Tomorrow, they will be up at 02:00 hours...

1 kommentar:

  1. Incredible photos, really beautiful! Looks like an amazing paddle. :)
